Review: Dark Town, A Fantasy LitRPG Adventure: Level One of the Dragon's Crawl by Palmer Pickering


Part cozy, part bloody, all fun.

Hidden underneath the small town of Haverly Arms lies an entrance to the Dragon’s Game, an extensive world where adventurers compete to collect power objects and progress to the next level.

Temerity’s father and brothers have been down in the game for years, leaving Temerity and her mother, plus their house goblin, Half-pint, to manage their tavern. Bored with small-town life, Temerity decides to enter the tunnel labyrinth, launching an adventure to survive Level One of the Dragon’s Game: Dark Town.


In “Dark Town”, Palmer Pickering delivers a rollicking entry into the litRPG genre that’s both hilarious and darkly captivating. This first book in the series defies traditional genre expectations, blending high fantasy with video game mechanics in a way that's accessible even to those unfamiliar with litRPGs.

As someone new to the genre, I found it easy to dive into the world Pickering has created, where medieval aesthetics and tavern brawls coexist with the protagonist’s quest for power and riches.

Dark Town, A Fantasy LitRPG Adventure: Level One of the Dragon's Crawl by Palmer Pickering

The story follows a girl working in a tavern who must navigate the perilous “game” her town’s men cyclically engage in, seeking fortune within the maze-like setting of Dark Town.

Her sidekick, Half Pint the shapeshifting hobgoblin, steals the show with his wisecracking antics and mysterious backstory; his feline transformations and kitchen hijinks add a layer of humor that’s both charming and laugh-out-loud funny. However, beneath his playful exterior lies a complex backstory that unfolds gradually throughout the narrative.

The more we learn about Half Pint, the more we uncover his hidden secrets and past experiences, which add layers to his character and deepen our understanding of his motivations. His interactions with the protagonist and others in the story reveal not only his cunning nature but also a sense of loyalty that make him a memorable addition to the tale. Half Pint’s ability to blend humor with unexpected depth makes him a standout character in “Dark Town”, leaving us all anticipating each revelation about his mysterious past.

While the narrative occasionally dips into darker vibes, the book is filled with witty banter and fast-paced action that keeps things light enough to remain engaging.

The result is a thoroughly enjoyable read that balances comedy, fantasy, and the unique mechanics of litRPG to great effect.

One of the standout elements of *Dark Town* is its approachability. Despite being a litRPG, it doesn’t bog the reader down with complex stats and mechanics. Instead, it focuses on the protagonist’s journey and growth in a way that feels natural and engaging.

The narration is light on detail, but the book is filled (in both ebook and hard copy) with beautiful illustrations that enhance the experience.

The protagonist’s quest to find her missing family members adds a layer of emotional depth to the story, making her struggles and triumphs all the more compelling.

Moreover, the book's format enhances its appeal. Filled with beautiful illustrations that complement the narrative, “Dark Town” is as much a visual delight as it is a literary one.

The artwork is perfectly timed, appearing just after key scenes to enhance immersion without spoiling upcoming events.

The theme of self-determination resonates powerfully throughout “Dark Town. As the protagonist navigates a world where choices and consequences shape her destiny. Against the backdrop of a labyrinthine game with high stakes, the protagonist's journey underscores the importance of individual agency and the pursuit of one's own path despite external pressures.

And as she confronts challenges and uncovers truths about herself and her surroundings, her decisions become pivotal in defining her identity and future, highlighting the theme of self-determination as a driving force in the narrative.

In contrast, the narration also subtly critiques the human tendency to become distracted by trivialities, which can detract from the deeper joys of discovery and self-awareness.

Within the game's intricate setting, characters often grapple with immediate concerns and fleeting desires, which obscure their ability to recognize profound truths or pursue meaningful quests. This theme serves as a cautionary tale about the perils of losing sight of what truly matters amidst the allure of superficial gratifications, emphasizing the importance of staying focused on meaningful pursuits that enrich the soul rather than merely satisfy passing whims.

At around 90,000 words, it’s a relatively quick read but packs a significant punch, both in terms of entertainment and the themes it explores. Whether you’re a seasoned litRPG fan or a high fantasy enthusiast, “Dark Town” offers a fresh, funny, and thoroughly engaging experience that’s hard to put down.

Abel Montero

Abel Montero is an Italian Advertising Art Director who's equally passionate about crafting captivating ad campaigns and devouring sci-fi and fantasy books. With nine best-selling novels in Italy, Abel's no stranger to weaving compelling tales.

Now, he's the face behind "bookswithabel," a BookTube channel where he serves up honest reviews and witty commentary. From epic fantasy sagas to mind-bending sci-fi thrillers, Abel's enthusiasm will keep you hooked.

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