Our Team
Boe Kelley
Hey there, I'm Boe, the founder of SFF Insiders. When I'm not exploring the uncharted realms of imagination, you’ll find me chatting on Discord, spending time with loved ones, or playing fetch in the backyard with my little buddy, Diesel.
Diesel brings a unique brand of playful charm to my free time, constantly reminding me that the greatest adventures are often those shared with a loyal companion. I’ve been told my infectious optimism and joyful spirit extend throughout all my endeavors—hopefully, that comes through in my reviews. I’m best known for my unwavering support of indie authors, which has earned me a reputation as a champion of the underdog.
Kristen Shafer
Kristen, AKA ‘The Book Hermit’, is a Pacific Northwest native with a habit of acquiring more books than her shelves can physically hold. She enjoys Science Fiction and Fantasy and has a special place in her heart for the dark fantasy genre. She also has a passion for supporting our Indie authors, both local and international alike, and is always excited to see the next Indie SFF debut!
When not off reading in a corner somewhere, she can be found competitively exhibiting her postage stamp collections or fly fishing in the local mountain rivers and petting the wild trout.
Jordan Buxton
Jordan, AKA Jord, tries to stay positive in everything that he does. Always having a love for reading, his biggest fear is to not be reading a book. A fan of many genres, he has always found a love for fantasy and Sci Fi from a young age. Loves to support authors and readers alike, he finds joy in sharing his love of books with others. He can be found in the Middle of Nowhere, Idaho with his wife and kids. They are often chasing the dogs around the yard. He is also a fan of basketball, especially the Celtics, video games and movies.
Amber Toro
Amber Toro is the director of data science at a machine learning startup working to make the world a better place with AI. She is a big believer in using tech for good.
Always dreaming Amber writes epic sci-fi and fantasy.
Amber grew up in Seattle with a great love of the outdoors. She now calls Utah her home and when she is not writing or coding you can find her biking, hiking, and camping in the mountains with her amazing partner and two tiny humans, or curled up with a good sci-fi/fantasy book.
Hi, I’m Bob. I am a multi-genre reader with a special love of science fiction and fantasy. I always have a book to hand. Barbara Hambley and Robert Heinlein provided the initial gateway to a lifelong reading addiction (40ish years of reading now). The likes of Tolkien and Asimov would quickly seal my fate.
I am an adamant supporter of our indie writing community. I would highly encourage you to make your next read an independently published work. You will discover story telling of the highest caliber.
Happy reading!
Jess | Gaigemaid
Jess, AKA “Gaigemaid”, is a Pennsylvania native. She has been exploring the catacombs cough libraries since she was a child. Some of her childhood favorites were Brian Jacques’s Redwall, Tamora Pierce’s Song of the Lioness, and Alvin Schwartz’s Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. Her favorite genres are Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror. She is a big fan of genre blending, character-driven plots, complex world building and books that explore human nature.
She is passionate about discovering new authors in the indie and self-pub community. As a result, her TBR is ever growing and she loves to share her discoveries with others.
When she is not reading or thinking about her next read, you can find her out hiking with her dog, Miles, or playing some kind of first person RPG or shooter. Despite her tendency to enjoy darker things, she does have a soft spot for Stardew Valley.
Christopher Navo
Chris has loved all aspects of the Fantasy and Science Fiction genres most of his life. His love of reading extended to Historical Fiction while studying Archaeology in his college years, then into other genres such as History, Horror, and even Manga!Now living in the Seattle WA area, Chris enjoys hiking the beautiful PNW. Otherwise, when he is not reading, he is usually engaged in other SFF-related activities such as table-top gaming, video gaming, Lego building, and his Booktube channel: Christopher Navo @CNavo.TheNextChapter
Like most inspiring authors, reading has contributed much to fuel Chris’ current project which is writing his own epic dark fantasy series currently underway.
Lynn Sunderland
Lynn, AKA “Lynn_of_Velaris”, is a native of Ohio. Her earliest memories include books with trips to the library & being read to cozied together in a chair. Her favorite genre is fantasy with the occasional sci-fi or historical fiction to break things up. She plans to try out other genres if she can ever pull herself away from her favorite long enough to do so.
In her spare time she enjoys hiking, kayaking, photography, gaming, and just generally being outdoors soaking up the sun & fresh air.
Some of her favorite books include the Greenbone Saga, Royal Assassin, Empire of the Vampire, and We are the Dead.
Jonathan Putnam
Jonathan, otherwise known as asp1r3, is a European native who enjoys reading (or consuming) as many books as humanly possible within the timeframe of a day. He likes reading Science Fiction and Fantasy novels, but will also just as happily read Historical Fiction or non-fictional books if the opportunity presents itself. He also has a great time supporting indie authors in terms of memes and is always exited for the newest releases of Indie authors and traditional authors alike.
When not off reading for several hours a day, he can be found working on school projects, bowling for the fun of it or playing dungeons and dragons.
Amanda Simas
I’m Manda aka fulltimebookish. I grew up on the likes of Tolkien, Verne, Orwell and Rowling, and am now on a mission to find geniuses in their own right in the Self Pub and Small Pub worlds that break the mold of the formulaic trends the industry has been leaning into. As a self proclaimed indie cheerleader, I hope to do my small part of shining a light on these amazing authors. I love everything SFF, from classic feel fantasies to intergalactic space opera, and can be caught re-reading my favorite classics in between my TBR. I live full time in an RV with my family of 5, and when I'm not reading you'll find me hanging out by the fire with friends or watching a great sff film.
Joseph John Lee
Joe is a fantasy author and was a semifinalist in Mark Lawrence's Self-Published Fantasy Blog-Off for his debut novel The Bleeding Stone, but when he needs to procrastinate from all that, he reads a lot. He currently lives in Boston with his wife, Annie, and when not furiously scribbling words or questioning what words he's reading, he can often be found playing video games, going to concerts, going to breweries, and getting clinically depressed by the Boston Red Sox.
Anie M.
I’m an avid reader and aspiring author. I started reading when I was very young and just never stopped. I talk everything books and reviews on Instagram.
Karl Forshaw
Karl Forshaw was born in Sheffield, South Yorkshire. After a successful career as a contract software developer and all the travel that came with it, he settled down on the edge of the countryside with his wife, children, and dog, where he now resides. He writes from his basement to a soundtrack of obscure music, drinking too much coffee and watching his fish grow.
Emory Glass
Emory Glass is an avid artist, worldbuilder, and author. She wrote her first novella aged 12. A year later, she discovered fantasy of the gloomier variety and resolved to create a lush world of magic and excitement brimming with vivid characters, byzantine plots, inexhaustible lore, and shocking story twists. This she dubbed “The Chroma Books." She penned the first novel set in its universe at 16 and earned her first publication shortly after turning 18.
She prioritizes stories with female characters in most leading roles, standalones that fit into the greater backdrop of the same setting, and meticulous lore. When not writing or reading Dark Fantasy, you can find her sipping a cup of matcha and hanging out with her husband, the two cats who tolerate them, and their beloved Belgian malinois.
Joshua Walker
Joshua Walker is a fantasy author from Melbourne, Australia. He currently works as a primary school English teacher, and likes to read, brew beer, and hang out with his wife and BFD (Big Fluffy Dog) in his free time. He will not apologise for writing in British English.
Maggie Dominiak
Maggie Dominiak is an Indiana native. She has loved fantasy and horror since a young age, consuming Percy Jackson and Goosebumps until she swore she was a demigod or a living dummy herself. As an adult she has grown to love science fiction as well, particularly eco-sci fi and cyberpunk. A freelance writer and aspiring novelist, Maggie enjoys both reading and writing SFF, though will settle on transforming into a dragon any day. When not buried under her ever growing TBR pile, you can find her exploring nature and binging anime, or simply cuddling with her pups, Guppy and Ollie.
Indyman is a full-on desi nerd from Mumbai, India. While constantly on the prowl for any and every book fair in town, he is always eager to add to his consistently out of control TBR. He loves diving into the realms of fantasy and science fiction, getting spooked by horror, and deducing what's going to happen next in mystery-thrillers. As a newbie himself, he is more than looking forward to help, contribute to, and grow the community in any way he can, while also trying his best at supporting indie authors and their works.
When not having an almost infinite amount of adrenaline rush from buying and reading books, he spends his time as a massive cinephile, a freak foodie, and a passionate fan of Liverpool FC.
Heather | keekslibrary
Hey, I’m Heather! I’m a fantasy and science-fiction fanatic based in Scotland and I can normally be found hidden away with my head in a hardback. I’ve been an avid reader since childhood starting off with magical schools, moving onto vampires and dystopia, and currently I’m exploring a wide array of fantasy and sci-fi landscapes. If I’m not reading then I’m probably gaming or catching up on the latest films and tv shows. And if I’m not doing that then I’m probably working as a graphic designer - I love nothing more than beautiful designs!
My favourite authors include Fonda Lee, Frank Herbert and R.F. Kuang. If you ever have a few hours to spare and don’t mind listening to a Scottish girl ramble on and on, then just bring up Dune, sit back, and enjoy.
Abel Montero
Abel Montero is an Italian Advertising Art Director who's equally passionate about crafting captivating ad campaigns and devouring sci-fi and fantasy books. With nine best-selling novels in Italy, Abel's no stranger to weaving compelling tales.
Now, he's the face behind "bookswithabel," a BookTube channel where he serves up honest reviews and witty commentary. From epic fantasy sagas to mind-bending sci-fi thrillers, Abel's enthusiasm will keep you hooked.
Join him on a literary journey unlike any other, where you'll find insightful analysis, hilarious anecdotes, and maybe even your next favorite read.
Erika | daughteroffantasy
I’m Erika, and I live in the sunny, sizzling desert, always on the lookout for my next big adventure! My childhood was a whirlwind of excitement—training to be a Jedi, exploring closets for hidden doors to Narnia, and hiking through the woods in search of Lothlórien! I'm raising two young dragon riders with my knight in shining armor, and we have the sweetest pup who is always down to cuddle and read.
I love the complex storylines in Fantasy, the imaginative worlds of Sci-Fi, and the timeless themes in mythology retellings. Also, I’m totally obsessed with the Arthurian myth! I love sharing bookish content on my Instagram, and connecting with fellow readers and authors!
Luke Schulz
Luke is a fantasy addict born in Melbourne, Australia. He discovered a passion for fantasy at a young age which developed into a love for the imaginary and a desire to write. Despite an early passion for storytelling, Luke obtained a teaching degree before beginning a career as a primary school teacher.
When he is not reading and writing, Luke enjoys spending time with his Golden Retriever named Gem, gaming, surfing, and of course connecting with fellow authors and readers.
A King’s Radiance is Luke’s debut novel, though he is always coming up with ideas for his next project.
The Dragon Reread
My name is Joey, reading and reviewing as The Dragon Reread. I grew up dreaming that I was Harry Potter, weaving through the turrets of Hogwarts on my Nimbus 2000. I almost completely stopped reading fiction during medical school and the early years of surgical residency. However, in the last couple years, I’ve re-discovered my love for reading fantasy, science-fiction, and horror (with a few classics thrown in for pretentious points).
This list is constantly expanding, but some of my favorite authors are Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson, John Connolly, JRR Tolkien, and Stephen King. I love reading and supporting indie authors and can’t wait to amplify some great indie authors on SFF Insiders. I sincerely believe reading and writing is one of the purest forms of human connectivity and imagination.
Jake Theriault
Jake is an author, screenwriter, and Regional Emmy Award-winning filmmaker living in the Chicagoland area. A lifetime lover of sci-fi thanks to the influence of his grandfather (an aviation engineer at North American during the construction of the Saturn V), Jake will never pass up an opportunity to send his mind to the stars, be it at the hands of a book, a videogame, a movie, or even a song.
When not reading Jake enjoys writing (surprise), paint pouring, gaming, photographing the bugs and birds around his yard, and fiddling with the myriad LEGO sets scattered around his home.
Ronit J
I’m Ronit J, a fantasy nerd with big dreams and bigger anxieties, all struggling to make themselves be heard within the existential maelstrom that is my mind. Fantasy – and by extension – the whole speculative fiction genre is how I choose to escape reality.
Dwayne Ridgway Jr
Hailing from Michiana but having parents that raised him like he was from Jersey, Dwayne Ridgway Jr is a man who stretches himself as thin as he can. Whether he's writing metal riffs for his rave fusion band, getting an audio engineering degree, or sitting on his laptop with a near-empty Google Doc attempting to write his own fantasy novels, Dwayne is never satisfied with the bare minimum.
Having had a rough falling out with reading in middle school, Dwayne was brought back into the space thanks to discovering action-packed fantasy by the likes of Brandon Sanderson and R.F. Kuang. He's not picky, though; he'll read just about anything, whether it's a "spicy" romance novel or a novel with horror-filled suspense. Dwayne does have a tendency towards action, epic character moments, and nail-biting tension.
Khan Book Reviews
My name is Tanvir, also known as Khanbookreviews. While I was a casual reader in school, the demands of examinations and life commitments caused me to fall out of the habit for a long time. It wasn't until university, living away from home, that I picked up reading again. The series that reignited my love for reading was Harry Potter; I devoured all seven books in just over a week. Additionally, a close friend gifted me a Kindle for my birthday, which further fueled my reading journey.
Wanting to share my thoughts on books and connect with like-minded individuals, I joined Bookstagram, where I met wonderful people and became part of an amazing community. Through these steps, I've had the pleasure of joining the SFF insiders team and meeting more people who share my passion for books.
Noah Isaacs
Noah Isaacs is an avid fantasy and sci-fi reader and writer from Boston, USA, who is currently working towards his PhD in astrobiology in Tokyo, Japan. During his free time, he likes to read, write, hike, play DnD, and hang out with friends and family.
Paul G. Zareith
I am a fiction lover who is refusing to grow up. I love dabbling in fast-paced fantasy & scifi esp. progression fantasy, grimdark, arcane and all things forbidden and forgotten. Besides writing books in aforementioned genres, I love reading, reviewing and boosting great works of fiction.
Alex | theooklibrary
I'm Alex, hailing from the hills of Wales, I'm often known as Sheepy online. But these days I've settled down in foreign lands (ok, England) with my husband and our cat.
I fell back into Fantasy Fiction long after a childhood growing up with Eragon, Harry Potter and LoTR. You'll usually find me of an evening with a book or kindle in hand, often reading about dragons and magic (oh how I love a good dragon book!). However, some of my favourite series include Discworld, Rivers of London and anything by John Gwynne; which are all distinctly lacking in dragons (for the most part). These days I am most passionate about supporting indie and start up authors and I love exploring new ideas, new worlds and helping to spread the word of truly great authors trying to establish themselves.
You can find me on Instagram under theooklibrary, named after my favourite orange librarian!
Troy Knowlton
Troy Knowlton always had a burning desire to tell stories. He started at a young age by drawing maps of made-up continents and fantasy kingdoms. The empty kingdoms beckoned to be given life, and his work eventually blossomed, leading him to create full narratives and characters for his worlds. He currently lives in California where he works as an X-Ray technologist and teacher when he isn't writing. He's also a great lover of history, currently working to earn his bachelor's degree in History and Political Science.
Quinn Giguiere
Quinn hails originally from the deserts of Arizona, though he now lives in the (comparatively) frozen tundras of Tennessee. He has been an avid SFF reader since he was a child, and an obsessive book hoarder since he graduated from college. He loves most flavors of Sci-Fi and Fantasy, though he has a particular love for chonky epic fantasy with deep worldbuilding, and far-future space operas.