Review: Fogbound by N.J. Alexander


Brave the Fog. Embrace Another Self.

The nation of Entervia is on the brink of annihilation. But amidst the chaos in the capital city, one man stands as the key to Entervia's fate—Zercien Volnaire, a young history teacher with no love of war, haunted by the specter of a long-dead legendary hero who once saved the land.

Zercien's peaceful life is shattered as he is possessed by the hero, and thrust into the trenches of a battle far more sinister—one waged within his own mind. His newfound abilities earn him renown, but at a great cost: his own identity.

Accompanied by a ragtag band, Zercien is tasked with a desperate mission for reinforcements. But as the drums of war beat ever closer, he must make a choice. Embrace the power of the hero and save Entervia, or reject it and cling to his humanity, dooming his home to a bloody fate.

For fans of John Gwynne’s “The Faithful and the Fallen” and Nicholas Eames’ “Kings of the Wyld,” this epic fantasy adventure will captivate and thrill. Don't wait - brave the fog today and join Zercien on his journey.


I’ve been seeing ‘Fogbound’ make the rounds on the internet for quite a while now (helped by the fact that the author loves to post “car selfies” with it too!). Boasting a beautiful cover alongside an intriguing premise, and aided by the previous reviews of two of the SFF Insiders team, I just had to pounce upon when the chance to dive into it came along. And hence, I would like to extend my deepest thanks to the author for sending a truly gorgeous physical copy my way, with a wonderful bookmark to accompany it!

Fogbound by N.J. Alexander

What’s it about?

The country of Entervia has seen peace and prosperity since the bygone Ancients’ War, which ultimately gave rise to the Seven Legends who had brought forth a decisive victory. At present, Entervia’s picture-perfect capital city – Vellard, stands out as an example among the rest. A cozy city. A city of no crime. But soon… a city and its people for whom everything is about to change, for the past is about to catch up…

Meet Zercien Volnaire, a history teacher with a “habitual lateness” who teaches the nobles’ kids in Vellard. But of late (sorry Zerc, no pun intended!), Zercien has developed a certain… “condition” of sorts. He is “seeing” things which are not normal. At least not in his case anyways. It’s as if his body is not his own anymore. As if it’s… “possessed”? What are these “episodes” that he keeps having every now and again? Are these “visions” of some kind? Zercien, for the life of him, can’t figure out what is going on. All he knows is that these events are preceded by a sharp headache, and his surroundings disappearing in some sort of an all-engulfing, gray fog… bringing with it a figure with eyes like flaming rubies, covered head-to-toe in a dark blood-red robe…

Ankarth, the country north of Entervia, has never been a problem… until now. Seemingly out of nowhere, Ankarth’s military prowess has significantly increased to the point where a war with Entervia would push them to victory, unlike the past. And war is right on the doorstep. Entervia is running out of soldiers against the unending northern army, commandeered by a Knight encased in a black armor with red streaks, and wielding the Pariah Arts – magic with a black, dark energy which turns everything to ash. How long before Entervia’s army is crushed and the country taken over by their neighbors? Time is running out, and help is needed… desperately.

Zercien is pulled out of his cozy life as a history teacher, and thrust right in the thick of action on the battlefield. And just when matters start to “ease” a little, Entervia’s King Durnan has a task for the ex-teacher, who seems to be making quite the name for himself, thanks to his “other” self. The mission? One which will either make or break the very future of their beloved country and everyone involved. Zercien is to take up arms and lead a group across the eastern lands towards Ciprius, the capital city of the eastern country of Ariglioth, to request their king for reinforcements. Easier said than done. His companions? Euvard – a muscled brute of a friend skilled in combat. Ardian – a Captain of the Vellardian Guard. Fynnian – a believer and follower of the Sanctum Order holding a secret. And Lloyd – a fearsome swordsman not to be messed with.

And thus begins a dangerous and equally deadly journey for Zercien and co. across the lands, through the Okoro Mountains, the Ferronwood Forest, and the Darutan Dunes. From the constant threat of the southern Duspen Arvaros to both the groups’ travels and their country, to the ever advancing Ankarthan army led by the invincible Knight. To make matters worse, the Helldregs – monstrous creatures from the accursed land beneath the soil presumed dead during the Ancients’ War, are making a return. A path of constant challenges and obstacles await the motley crew, one which they must overcome together in order to succeed. Zercien must not only battle foes in the outside world, but also within himself if he is to save his friends, family, and country from death and destruction.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to everyone, a mysterious and ruthless figure is haunting the very lands of Oniro… scheming… wielding a golden lance which cuts down any and everyone who dares cross his path… a path which seemingly has major consequences stretching across the lands of Oniro and beyond…

The good

  • The multi-POV setup was a highlight for me. The third person perspective of various characters was fun to follow.

  • The overall plot was very good, but the numerous sub-plots elevated the whole story to another level altogether. There is a bunch of stuff going on throughout behind the scenes, and it all sets up for the next installment very nicely.

  • The lore/world building was very impressive to say the least. The good thing about it was that there was no info. dumping at any point. Rather, the reader is slowly eased into it. The added element of faith/religion was a boon.

  • The travel/journey aspect was really enjoyable as a whole, but I would’ve very much liked it if there was a bit more to it though.

  • The writing was pretty good overall; easygoing and simple.

  • The villain was superbly written!

  • The ending was satisfactory, and paves the way for book two very nicely indeed.

The “not so” good

  • The start was a tad bit slower to my personal liking, but the story did pick up really well afterwards.

  • The characters, although good altogether (especially with a nice, balanced chemistry/bromance within them), left me somewhat unsatisfied at times. Having said that, Lloyd was an instant fav. and I thought Fynnian’s arc was well written.

  • And although the magic system was good as well, I thought it could’ve been represented more.


  • An exchange between long-time friends Zercien and Euvard regarding their motley crew:

“A guard captain who’s seen more bars than fights, a religious man looking for his long-lost dad that can’t tell a sword’s pommel from the blade, and a scary swordsman who probably sleeps with a sword in his hand, if he ever sleeps at all.”

“And then there’s us.”

“Don’t lump me in there with you!” Euvard’s bellowing laughter filled the room, and he waved his hands about. “With your headaches and roleplaying, or whatever that was?”

Within Zercien’s long cringe, a smile broke free. “You’ve got me there.”

“By the looks of things, I’m the only normal person here!” Euvard said, a grin still pinned from his left to right ear.

  • Also quickly, the name ‘Duspen Arvaros’ (which isn’t actually a “name”) has stuck in my head for some reason! Personally feel like there’s a nice catchy ring to it!

Other info.

  • A very well-drawn map of Oniro is present at the start (loved it!).

  • Note: Mature themes are present; not suitable for younger audiences – profanity, blood/gore, violence, etc.

Final thoughts

‘Fogbound’ by N.J. Alexander is a pretty solid epic fantasy adventure debut. With the multi-POV setup and the numerous sub-plots stealing the show, impressive world building to go alongside, and a nasty villain as the focal point, it manages to land a very good punch indeed. The travel/journey aspect was a fun read altogether as well. And although certain aspects like the character work and the magic system could’ve been executed in a better way, ‘Fogbound’ provides a satisfactory ending, leaving you wanting to continue the adventure. I certainly enjoyed it, and will RECOMMEND that you have a look!


Indyman is a full-on desi nerd from Mumbai, India. While constantly on the prowl for any and every book fair in town, he is always eager to add to his consistently out of control TBR. He loves diving into the realms of fantasy and science fiction, getting spooked by horror, and deducing what's going to happen next in mystery-thrillers. As a newbie himself, he is more than looking forward to help, contribute to, and grow the community in any way he can, while also trying his best at supporting indie authors and their works.

When not having an almost infinite amount of adrenaline rush from buying and reading books, he spends his time as a massive cinephile, a freak foodie, and a passionate fan of Liverpool FC.

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