Review: The Hunter by K. Aagard
Strider is content to die...
After 50 years, his revenge is complete and his purpose fulfilled. When a teenager steals the Hunter's sword, his wolf companion Greer sees a way to help them both: in convincing Strider to escort the girl home safely, there's hope his friend might find the will to keep on living - to keep on fighting.
But this is no ordinary job. His young employer is deeply entangled in a dark plot that threatens her and her fiefdom. Strider must employ his magic and battle training to ensure their survival against soldiers and mercenaries out to claim their bounty.
Can these unlikely allies find a way to survive, or will their differences and secrets destroy them all?
The Hunter caught my attention for two main reasons. Firstly, the cover – simple, yet something about it was just so mesmerizing (the forest, the fog, the wolves, and the hunter… you name it). And secondly, the appealing tropes that had been displayed using the “squiggly arrows” alongside the cover (this has become quite the trend, huh?). So, when the opportunity to snag an early copy was right around the corner, I just wasn’t going to let it go. Hence, I would like to thank the author for providing a digital advance reader copy of this absolute chonker of an epic fantasy debut.
What’s it about?
Strider is a Hunter… rather, THE Hunter. Alongside his partner in crime, Greer, the duo is a force to be reckoned with. The ex-Ranger and the di’horvith (dire wolf) are simply inseparable, for they aren’t just merely friends or companions, but in fact brothers in arms. Strider is ready to make his peace with the world after setting things right from the past. But it seems like fate, with a little help from his brother, has other plans in store…
When a teenager named Addy manages to steal the Hunter’s sword, Greer capitalizes on the seemingly perfect opportunity to get Strider back in the game. Addy is in need of help, for she is far away from her home. The Hunter wants absolutely no part in it, but Greer somehow finally manages to sway his brother’s mind to the cause. After all, how difficult a task could it prove to be? Turns out it was a far bigger plot than any of them would’ve ever bargained for…
As the trio begin their long and tedious journey across the lands, it becomes clear that there are multiple things happening beneath the surface rather than just on it. The tight-lipped Hunter and the ever-talking Addy are an instant mismatch in more ways than one, with Greer acting as the glue that is sticking them all together… for now. Addy still doesn’t fully trust the hooded, golden-eyed Hunter even though he has reluctantly agreed to get her home safe and sound. Strider, on the other hand, is sure that the teenager is hiding something… something big, and he needs to figure out what it is pretty soon, for time is of the utmost essence if they are to ever make it…
Through forests, plains, hills, and caves… across numerous towns and villages… along the vast lands that include various territories, fiefdoms, and kingdoms… the small group journeys on. But the path is not an easy one whatsoever. It was never going to be. Rangers and knights, thieves and mercenaries, not to forget the Crown and the Church alike, all are part of the game… one that involves magic which comes at a cost… and this is nothing but the beginning…
The good
Right off the bat, I have to say that ‘The Hunter’ took me fully by surprise. For such a chonky boi as it is, this was a relatively quick and engaging read throughout. Not to mention a fun journey with the characters and the goodest of bois in Greer.
The characters were really well-written, in-depth, and memorable. In fact, character work is one of the strongest points of the book. The various character dynamics were excellently put forth, and the dialogues/exchanges between them was great to read.
The plot was fun, exciting, and adventurous. I really enjoyed it!
The third person writing with multiple POVs was pretty easygoing, and very well-executed.
The lore/world building was very impressive and quite detailed too.
The magic system was a fun read as well, and when it comes at a cost to the user, it just ups the ante, eh?
The journey/adventure aspect of it was just top notch. Really, really loved it. The action and the drama both were equally enjoyable.
The ending was pretty much spot on, and leads up straight to the sequel (‘The Debt’).
The “not so” good
As I’ve mentioned, for a big book like this, to keep a reader engaged is a job well done (which it did for the majority). But on a few occasions, the pacing felt just a tad bit slow for my liking.
A couple of the plot points (which I was really glued to and excited about) could’ve been more expanded in my opinion. They felt more like a teaser/trailer in a way. Hoping to get more of them in the sequel.
Quote – “He’s a better person than half the world put together,” Strider answered for the di’horvith. “And three times as dangerous.”
Quote – “Be careful around that one, miss,” Toris warned, jabbing a thumb in Strider’s direction. “He’s nastier than a dragon with a toothache and as wicked as a viper.”
Text – Night had fallen, leaving the world bathed in darkness. He had positioned himself in one of the many shadows covering the dimly lit street, feeling more comfortable within its embrace than in the light. No one noticed him as they walked by.
They didn’t notice Greer, either, despite his light gray fur. The dim light cast by the lanterns lining the dirty street impaired their vision. People clung to that light. For them, the shadows meant danger, light meant safety. As if the light could offer them any protection. Be it in light or shadow, death would always find you.
There were more than a couple instances of excellent action sequences throughout, one of them being Strider taking on a dozen or so thugs all by himself in a foggy forest, while the other one was literally the scene that you see on the cover pretty much… It was awesome!
Other info.
The cover, internal illustrations, and the interior design is all done by the author.
A beautiful map is present at the start, and not only that, additional and equally gorgeous maps are also present at the end along with a pronunciation guide.
Final thoughts
The opening book in ‘The Hunter of Fareldin’ series is a great debut by K. Aagard in the world of epic fantasy. The character work, their development/dynamics, and the characters themselves were superbly written, making it one of the strongest aspects of the book. Another strong point was the journey/adventure part alongside the lore/world building. Really, really enjoyed it all. The plot was fun and exciting, and the writing was great altogether with a satisfying ending that paves way for the sequel nicely. And although the pacing got a little bit slow for my liking on a few occasions and a couple of the plot points maybe could’ve done with some more expanding, overall, ‘The Hunter’ was a fantastic read by all means. I would certainly not hesitate to recommend it whatsoever, especially if you’re a fan of great character work and ready to be strapped on for a long yet fun journey!