Cover Reveal: Digital Extremities by Adam Bassett

Digital Extremities by Adam Bassett


A collection of eight stories, Digital Extremities shines a spotlight on ordinary people in a callous yet hopeful future. Set across small towns and remote islands, where neon flickers against old buildings and oaks, this collection paints a unique view of a traditionally cyberpunk setting.

In 2089, a woman miscarries and seeks a way to find peace amidst overwhelming grief. Years later, a young man must find a way to pay rent outside of his job at the glassblowing studio. A pair of students, excited to go to college, install new hardware that promises to improve their cognitive functions. A private investigator searches for a missing child who has a reputation for embarking on risky adventures. Each tale is shaped by love, loss, and perseverance, weaving a vision of life outside of the megacities.

Author: Adam Bassett

Book Title: Digital Extremities

Cover Artist: Igzell

Word Count: 54k

Publisher: Self-Published

Genre: Science Fiction, Cyberpunk, Literary Fiction

Available Formats: eBook

Trigger Warnings: Although I would consider Digital Extremities appropriate for most ages, it does contain some content and references to events that may be off-putting to some readers:

Limited on-page examples of alcohol abuse, mental health complications, violence, being trapped underground, and death.
A few off-page references to miscarriage, terrorism, and death.


Author Bio:

Adam Bassett is the author of Digital Extremities, a standalone short story collection.
Adam has been writing since a young age, growing up in Northern New York, near the Canadian border. His work has previously appeared in Nature Erupts, an anthology edited by C.D. Tavenor. He has also published fiction and non-fiction with Worldbuilding Magazine, and occasionally reviews books for FanFiAddict.
By day, Adam works as a UX / UI designer with Campfire, and draws fictional maps on the side. His illustrations have appeared in books such as Season of the Dragon by Natalie Wright, The Ascenditure by Robyn Dabney, and Under a Pirate Flag by B.H. Pierce.
You can look forward to seeing eight maps he’s illustrated for Digital Extremities in the book, with large full color versions in the book’s bonus content available once it launches on Campfire.
Find Adam @adamcbassett on Twitter, Threads, or Instagram.

Boe Kelley

Hey there, I'm Boe, the founder of SFF Insiders. When I'm not exploring the uncharted realms of imagination, you'll find me chatting on Discord, hanging out with loved ones, or playing fetch in the backyard with my little buddy, Diesel.

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