Cover Reveal: The Sound of Starfall by Scott Palmer


When History is Written in Blood Magic Its Songs Are Best Forgotten.

The Warlocks of Yehven have ruled over the Remembered Lands with their songs of dark sorcery since the skies were new.

But now, the Abori, a mysterious death cult from the wild lands of Edura, have arrived in the name of Nature to exterminate the Warlocks and their sorcerous Words with them.

As the Abori close in and the golden city of Ailar crumbles into anarchy, three people try to find meaning in their lives on their last day breathing.

Rebels rule the streets.

New orders replace the old.

The sound of Starfall eats all else.

Author: Scott Palmer

Book Title: The Sound of Starfall

Cover Artist: Brian Vandevelde

Word Count: 20k

Genre: Epic Fantasy

Available Formats: Paperback, eBook, Hardcover

Additional Details: Get The Sound of Starfall for free upon release day (July 30) by signing up to Scott's mailing list

Scott Palmer

Author Bio:

Scott Palmer was born in London, Ontario, Canada, where he lives with his wife, daughter, and two cats, and they conjure up magic (love and happiness) daily. His whole life has been a journey of collecting stories and stowing them like a library of experiences.
Growing up in Middle Earth, Kanto, and Hyrule, before moving to darker worlds like Westeros, The Circle of The World, and The Randlands provided a sturdy foundation for Scott’s imagination to grow upon. He travelled to those other worlds and walked, and fought, and bled with the people that lived there. It was somewhere in those pages that he fell in love with the art of storytelling. Since taking those first steps out of reality, Scott has immersed himself in creating his own world. A place that could transport readers somewhere they could only dream of. A place of magic, and love, forgotten lore, and long history.
Scott started writing seriously in 2020 and now he cannot stop.

Boe Kelley

Hey there, I'm Boe, the founder of SFF Insiders. When I'm not exploring the uncharted realms of imagination, you'll find me chatting on Discord, hanging out with loved ones, or playing fetch in the backyard with my little buddy, Diesel.

Come join me on this journey of discovery as we delve into the wonders (and perhaps a few dangers) of SFF together!

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